The Encinitas Council rejects the group’s appeal of the Marea Village project

ENCINITAS – The sister project to the Alila Marea Beach Resort will move forward after the Encinitas City Council dropped an appeal that questioned the project’s impact on local infrastructure and the coastal environment.

The council on August 10 rejected the Friends of Seabluffe’s appeal of the Marea Village project, which is located at 1900 and 1950 North Coast Highway 101.

Marea Village, proposed by developer Larry Jackel of Encinitas Beach Land Venture, consists of 94 rental apartments, 34 hotel units and six other buildings. The Planning Commission approved the mixed-use development on June 16 before the Friends of Seabluffe, named for the neighborhood to the southwest, appealed the project.

While some voiced opposition, many residents spoke in favor of the project, noting the city’s “luck” in its relationship with the developer. The Marea Village project at 1900 and 1950 North Coast Highway 101 in Leucadia received an appeal this week from the Friends of Seabluffe. The multi-use project includes the demolition of the former site of Davina’s Cabo Grill and Cantina. Photo by Jacqueline Covey

“I think we’re incredibly fortunate as Encinitas residents to have a developer (Jackel) who lives in the area and has this special and unique quality and character of Encinitas in mind,” said Tammy Temple, calling it an attractive addition to the community. .

However, despite his “model” public application process, Isabela Rodriguez, from the law firm of DeLano & amp; DeLano, representing Friends of Seabluffe, pointed to a statement of overwhelming considerations that acknowledged “the required VMT (vehicle miles traveled) reduction needed to fully mitigate the VMT impact cannot be achieved,” according to project documents.

“I just want to remind the council that there was an alternative in the EIR (Environmental Impact Report) … that reduced the impacts on the environment but still met many of the project goals,” Rodriguez said. “However, the candidate said that they made every concession possible, but this alternative was not accepted or seriously considered.”

The site sits on two parcels that have designated housing units per housing element to help the city meet its Regional Housing Needs Assessment goals and qualify for a density bonus.

However, the appellant argued that the size and impact of the project were grounds for denial. The Friends of Seabluffe were also concerned with safety as a result of additional stress from the large development, including a 257-stall underground parking garage, on local infrastructure and coastal land.

The developer’s attorney, Marco Gonzalez of the Coast Law Group, countered those concerns by noting that the stormwater diversion work “actually helps the bluff.”

“We are hiring experts to study the bluff,” said Gonzales with the Coast Law Group, following a series of commenters’ observations of the construction’s potential environmental impacts. “[The studies] found that the more than 1,200 mini-seismic events that occur every day, whether they occur naturally or from the train, actually cause a greater impact on the bluffs than if we ever build an underground in our location . parking garage.”

Other complaints from Friends of Seabluffe concern the impact on the bluffs and the size of the project as being inconsistent with city plans.

However, the city determined that “no evidence has been provided to support claims about the consistency of general plan policy,” planning manager Anna Colamussi told the council.

City staff recommends rejecting the appeal and continuing with the Planning Commission’s decision to accept Marea Village’s environmental impact report and project approvals.

While not related to the friends of Seabluffe appeal, the council separately addressed the involvement of local tribes after the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians raised concerns about the development in June. Earlier, a representative of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians inspected the packages and remained on site for monitoring activities.

Commentators addressed Assembly Bill 52, a 2015 law that created a process for tribal governments to be placed on a notification list for city projects to help ensure intergovernmental engagement.

Bob Stark of Michael Baker International, the company that did the environmental impact report, told the council that the law does not apply in this case. Gonzales said he welcomes continued communication and cooperation with local tribes and is willing to address any concerns.