On the agenda, Dec. 18: Encinitas beach sand placement, Oceanside council may add police officers

The Encinitas City Council will meet in closed session to discuss the lawsuit at 4 p.m. Wednesday. In an open session at 6 p.m., the council will discuss approving contracts and permits for the San Diego County, CA Project (formerly known as the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Project) and allocating funds for the first phase of beach sand installation and monitoring. The council will also consider a resolution adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Coalition’s definition of hate speech.

Encinitas is accepting applications for appointments to the newly created Infrastructure Task Force. The council aims to identify capital development delays and future needs from 2025 to 2035. The task force will consist of seven members: one district member of the local council, and three at-large members. The council aims to include at least two women and one person of color. The city would also like tenant representatives, who can represent a city business group/organization, who have experience in mobility (biking, walking, etc.), who have financial experience, and/or experience in construction, transportation planning or civil engineering. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Jan. 5. Learn more and get applications at bit.ly/3EyVCBx.

The Oceanside City Council will meet in closed session Wednesday to discuss labor negotiations and property negotiations. In an open session at 5 p.m., the council will consider adding an assistant police chief, a police deputy and a police officer in addition to funding up to $805,313 in salary and benefits. This is being paid for by replacing vacant officer posts.

Cardiff City Council will hold a special meeting at 3:30 p.m. Monday to consider nominations for the School Boards Association.