Michael Blobe, a Leucadia resident, is running for mayor of Encinitas

ENCINITAS – A Leucadian man is running – barefoot and shirtless – for mayor of Encinitas.

Michael Blobe’s approach to city politics is simple: Cut the glamor and focus on effective city government.

Blobe became involved in local politics after the North County Transit District added a $2.35 million rail fence — which he believes could have been allocated to other major projects — and the city of Leucadia’s Streetscape effort.

“We need to focus on the basics first before we do the fancy stuff,” Blobe said.

The mayoral hopeful has worn many hats in retail and restaurant management but now serves as the district director of Barefoot is Legal. Blobe has an illness that prevents him from wearing shoes.

He said that even though there are no health laws in the country or in general, the people of his organization are discriminated against.

He said: “So we try to educate people,” adding that if someone “has serious problems, we try to help them with legal advice on how to proceed.”

Blobe’s main goal is to have an inclusive city.

“I believe that everyone is created equal; “All their differences should be celebrated, not avoided,” Blobe told The Coast News. you are special.”



Concerned about the increasing development in the city, Blobe hopes to limit the growth by ensuring that all housing projects have at least 25% of the affordable housing provided in the project.

“Why are we planning affordable housing if we can say, ‘Look, if you want to develop downtown, 25% of your building will be affordable housing,'” Blobe said, adding this law can discourage big houses. progress since reaching Encinitas.

“If you have one greedy developer who doesn’t want to build it, there will be another one after them,” Blobe said.

Blobe would also like fewer out-of-town builders to take on projects for commercial and residential projects. He wants to ensure that residents can afford their rented or leased homes, regardless of who owns them.

“Developers are coming from out of town, buying apartment buildings or shopping centers,” Blobe explained. “[Residents] can no longer live there, so they lose their homes.”

Instead, Blobe hopes to introduce a plan that will allow grandparents to own a home with rent-controlled rentals when a home or business is purchased.

“We have to protect the affordable housing we have now before we worry about bringing in more,” he said.

He said that responsibly dealing with housing and other development to help the environment and the natural environment of Encinitas and its areas – longing for the days of rural Leucadia.

“To me [helping] the environment is keeping the environment there, not cementing it,” Blobe said. “My most important thing is to slow down development and focus more on preserving the land.”


The Blobe is closely related to the issue of homelessness in Encinitas; strongly believes that homelessness can be solved through mental health and substance abuse resources.

He said: “Instead of providing free rooms and meals, that contributes to the problem.” “You can’t deal with a problem if you’re helping it continue. We need to focus on health care, mental health care and substance abuse.”

As mayor, Blobe would propose building a new office at city hall that would serve as a point of contact for the homeless and other services.

“I want to have [employees] who are going to be able to go out and check on these people … instead of waiting for them to come into the office to ask for help,” Blobe said.

Tax Regulations 

Blobe is focused on reducing spending in the city. Even though the city’s architecture has seen great improvement, there are plans that he cannot understand.

“I’m a normal person, I have to budget and use it for what it needs, and if I have money left over, I can use it for leisure, and that’s something same as for the city. You must budget for what is needed. ”

In particular, Blobe feels that the Leucadia Streetscape is an example of urban waste. On several occasions, Blobe has looked at this city program as a cost model for beauty and not function.

“Most of the population drives by car; you can’t force them to ride bikes,” Blobe said, noting that cyclists don’t represent a large segment of the population.

Crime and Safety 

While talking about the police department in the past, Blobe would like to see Encinitas give more money to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department for more deputies in the area. Blobe acknowledged that the city has seen an increase in crime and daily traffic violations – activities he hopes to curb.

“It’s not that the Sheriff’s (Department) is doing a bad job,” Blobe said. “It’s that they don’t have enough.”

Read more interviews with Encinitas mayoral candidates and council.