Faced with bubbling opposition, Encinitas’ board fires the chairman of planning

ENCINITAS – Encinitas City Council fired Bruce Ehlers as chairman of the city’s planning committee Wednesday night in front of a room full of angry city residents who opposed his sudden eviction.

During the meeting, the legislature voted to approve Ehlers’ immediate dismissal for his opposition to the city’s housing policy. Ehlers’ term is set to expire in March 2023.

Last week, Mayor Catherine Blakespear called Ehlers on the phone to demand his resignation, but he refused.

The vote to remove Ehlers comes after Blakespear and Congressman Tony Kranz issued an official report on April 8 recommending the president’s ouster.

Ehlers’ public statement on housing development, including his collaboration with the Incentives Residents for Responsible Development, a non-governmental organization currently suing the city over Goodson’s controversial work, has been cited as evidence of the impeachment of Olivenhain residents.

“Through his words and deeds, Mr. Ehlers has shown discrimination which prevents him from carrying out the essential tasks required of him, and he cannot be an impartial judge of the tasks assigned to the planning commission, “Blakespear. Said at the meeting. “For me, it is a far cry from having a planning commissioner involved in the city’s litigation, who has rejected housing projects, and who is causing a crisis that needs to be resolved.”

In remarks to the Coast News and public speeches at the event, Ehlers, who is seeking a City Council seat in District 4, repeatedly criticized the council’s action, calling it a “political act.” “

Far from protecting the city’s interests, Ehlers said his removal had thwarted opposition views in the city government and harmed his chances as a political candidate.

“It simply came to our notice then. They remove me from the board, claiming that I am breaking the law, but they do not show that I have violated city or state law, “Ehlers said.” What they are doing is trying to discredit me, and they have completely failed. make a mistake in doing so. “

Ehlers also slammed Wednesday’s meeting, which he said suppressed public criticism of the congressional stage. In particular, he said he should have taken more than two minutes to defend himself against accusations made by Blakespear and Kranz.

“They gave me two minutes to respond to a two-page staff report that accused me of” haraam “things. Not only did I not have time to respond, but I did not even disclose the nature of the allegations against me,” she said. Ehlers. “One side, and the issue is not really mine, is to shut up anyone who does not agree, who does not line up. It is about suppressing freedom of expression and opinion. different. “

At the rally, local residents expressed their support for the Ehlers, including 18 public comments and more than 35 written submissions against the congressional action.

Encinitas mayoral candidate Cindy Cremona condemned the congressional vote, which she said was politically motivated and opposed to the interests of local residents.

“Tonight, you’re set to match Planning Commissioner Bruce Ehlers with a hanging nose,” Cremona said. “The expulsion of Bruce, with such a dilemma, signifies a city like-minded city council, strengthening power and eliminating bitter enemies. Bruce deserves the best, and Encinitas deserves the best.”

Cremona criticized the legislature for not giving Ehlers more time to defend himself, saying no evidence of wrongdoing had been presented.

“Does he (Ehlers) have an opinion? Of course. Is his connection illegal or even dishonest? No. It’s not the same as yours,” Cremona said. “More importantly, did Bruce’s relationship prevent him from being neutral in the planning board? Of course, they do not. And tonight, you presented no evidence to the contrary. “

Former planning commissioner Ruben Dario Flores delivered a scathing speech to parliament, calling Wednesday’s election “one of the biggest political crimes I have ever seen in Encinitas.”

“As a member of this community and a former planning commissioner, I condemn the decision to remove Commissioner Bruce Ehlers as president,” Flores said. “The reason you presented in the [report] is that it did not explain how Mr. Ehlers did not carry out his duties in the planning and oversight department without ignoring any conflicts of opinion.

“Bruce has always been clear and unambiguous about his policy of respecting local city norms, the principles of proper development and planning. Dismissing a civil servant and a dedicated commissioner to run the affairs Your politics are an example of how deaf and dumb you all are. ”

Gene Chapo, a former planning commissioner who has worked extensively with the Ehlers, described the president’s rich history of public service and achievements, calling his campaign “child politics” on the Blakespear side. and Kranz.

“Bruce has, throughout the years that I know him, a philanthropist to this city, and he has done a lot for this city more than any of you have ever been in politics,” Chapo said. “I worked on the planning board as long as I knew Bruce, I knew he was always listening and making decisions based on the evidence presented before him. Bruce is a very honest, intelligent, and honest person, and I think you making a big mistake by letting him go. “

Former Encinitas mayor Sheila Cameron described the council’s move against Ehlers as more than a political ploy to prevent the city from having one of its top government officials.

“As a former city councilor and mayor of Encinitas, I know that committees set up to serve the people of Encinitas, the main objective of the planning committee is to know and interpret the city’s land use law,” Cameron said. “Well, I doubt there is an MP or an educated employee as the current chairman of the planning committee, Bruce Ehlers.

“Yes, there is talk that the planning commissioners are acting in accordance with the council’s approval, but that does not give the local government chairman or the councilor the right to take advantage of this opportunity. This evening you accused a long-serving planning commissioner of lying for some reason. You have no reason to ask for his suspension. “

Julie Thunder, a longtime resident of Cardiff and a candidate for councilor for 3 boroughs, called on Ehlers to shoot the hypocrites, noting that the president’s opposition to multiple housing policies did not preclude his appointment to the board.

“Bruce Ehlers has been a vocal opponent of mayoral policy. But that hasn’t stopped this council from appointing him to the Planning Commission – not once, not twice,” Thunder said. the table, and for months, you are satisfied with the expectation that he is making a legal decision, not his choices. “

Thunder also criticized congressional efforts to stifle Ehlers’ opposition to the city’s “national” housing policy.

“Appointed commissioners do not relinquish their right to speak on public issues,” Thunder said. “So Bruce’s comments can’t be a good excuse to dismiss him.”

Reasons for dismissal

Blakespear, Kranz and other councilors have cited several actions and statements from Ehlers that they say helped stop him.

The council has repeatedly reiterated that Ehlers has supported the city’s opponents in legal matters and issued public statements in direct conflict with the city’s efforts to comply with state housing orders.

A key reason for the president’s ouster, according to the report, is his partnership with the Encinitas Residents for Responsible Development, or ERRD, an organization currently seeking the city to prevent the development of a 277-unit Goodson housing project in Olivenhain.

Ehlers’ position as treasurer of the North County Advocates, a contributor to the ERRD, linked him to the Goodson project case and put him directly at odds with long-term housing needs. city ​​time, the report said.

However, according to current members, Ehlers resigned as treasurer of the Northern Bar Association in September, resigning voluntarily from all discussions and policies related to Goodson’s work at the commission. to avoid anything related to the project. a conflict of interest.

Also at the center of the presidential and congressional crisis is support for Proposition A, a plan approved by 2013 voters that requires a public vote for any major regional changes.

In March 2020, the City of Encinitas filed a lawsuit attempting to repeal Prop A, arguing that a plan approved by voters deprived the city of its ability to meet state housing needs. A judge ruled against the city, asserting voters’ right to have a final say on development proposals that go against certain land use standards and policies set out in the main plan of the city.

Ehlers, the main author of Prop A, openly opposed the city lawsuit and issued a public statement in the lawsuit reaffirming support for the plan, which he said was important to keep local control over the needs of multiple housing. In a recent op-ed and in a commentary to The Coast News, Ehlers reiterated his opposition to congressional efforts to corrupt Prop A.

Kranz said that while he himself supports Prop A, the Ehlers announcement and the comments made in The Coast News are “inappropriate” considering the council’s position on these policies.

“The problem with [Ehlers’] is that he does not agree with the policies that this council has approved, and he continues to campaign and destroy all the policies that have been approved by this council,” he said. Kranz. “How can you carry out your duties as chairman of the planning committee while campaigning openly aimed at undermining the policies approved by the legislature?”

But Ehlers points to his record of observing ethical principles, regularly abstaining from cases when possible or actual contradictions may exist.

“I have no problem with being fair, impartial, and impartial,” Ehlers said. “Because I was careful with the cases before me, I was free to take office or go against the rules of the legislature.”

Blakespear said both Ehlers’ comments about Prop A and allegations of links to Goodson’s case had led to his indiscriminate handling of political affairs over a number of major projects that fell under the commission’s control.

“It is unacceptable for the Commissioner of Planning to recommend illegal procedures; rejected housing projects without a valid foundation; he had a financial position and leadership in the community organizations suing the city; caused a crisis of its own which required it to be relegated from the sole consideration of the work done in its Olivenhain district, and used the legitimacy of its Planning Commissioner to undermine and crush the city’s policies, “In short, Mr. Ehler’s presence on the Planning Commission is a responsibility to the City of Encinitas.”

Ehlers denied the allegations that his statements or statements to the press exposed any conflict with his presidential activities. On the contrary, since Prop A is the law in Encinitas, Ehlers deemed it appropriate and necessary for him to defend the position that voters have agreed to in court since the city refused to do so.

“As a senior Prop A writer, I was one of those people who was forced to‘ contribute ’to defending Prop A because we knew the city would not protect it,” Ehlers said. “At the end of the day, Prop A is part of our overall plan. Whether they like it or not, whether they support it or not, they must follow it.”

Ehlers said accusations by Mayor Kranz were overwhelming and he did not elaborate on specific statements that ‘avoided’ his presidency.

“The report shows but does not specify, that I worked outside the scope of the measure,” Ehlers said. “It further clarifies that I have” demonstrated through public statements and actions “my opposition to the implementation of objectives. Specific information is not provided. How can I respond to allegations without feeling public works?

“I believe this is a big deal by the mayor to reduce my ability to respond to any allegations, to the extent that she does not fully explain what I said that was inappropriate – she called what I did something haraam. I never explained what I did that was haraam. “

Congressman Joe Mosca said he finally chose yes to stop the Ehlers because he felt like there was too much concern about the president’s unselfish power when he was directing various city housing projects.

“It is very important that the city has good representation in the planning committee, that the planning commissioners are not biased. according to Mosca.

“I do not hear the answer to Kranz’s question – how do you resolve your statements and are you honest and truthful when it comes to the authority before you?”

Contentious meeting

Initially the event was chaotic and chaotic and chaotic. On several occasions, Blakespear has failed to try to calm the public, urging residents to respect the vernacular and avoid clapping after comments.

But at the behest of the mayor, the room was filled with residents, many of whom chanted “We support Bruce Ehlers,” clapping and cheering for each commentator throughout the event.

The venue was particularly angry when Blakespear tried to interrupt the public speakers within 2 minutes of public speaking, causing the audience to make jokes and jokes at the event.

One of the highlights of the rally came just days before the general election, when Kellie Hinze, a member of the House of Representatives, said she would “join the majority to remove Commissioner Ehlers from office.” Although Hinze is the fourth member of parliament to announce her intention to vote in favor of impeachment of Ehlers, some observers have suggested that she is aware of the decision.

“You have already decided,” one of the crowd shouted.

Hinze defended her remarks in a written statement to The Coast News: back to the majority of MPs who have already done so. appeared in public at the April 13 talks, and in a written report to the conference, their intention was to vote to remove Mr. Ehlers from his voluntary position serving the city as commissioner of defense. -restrain.

“The motion to dismiss him has two authors, Mayor Blakespear and Congressman Kranz, so they have formed in the public interest. Only one more vote is needed to impeach Mr. Ehlers.” “She spoke in front of me to express her disapproval of the withdrawal. So it was clear that a three-vote majority had been obtained.

The mayor finally called several breaks during the meeting to resume the council session.

Asked if he expected a similar response from the public about Ehlers’ dismissal, Kranz said he was “not happy”.

“I wasn’t surprised at all,” Kranz said. “I like Bruce, a lot of people in the community like Bruce, and they assume that their friend has been removed from the planning board. I expected a lot of public outcry, and nothing surprised me or about evidence or number of these people. ”

UPDATE: The article was updated to clarify a report on the remarks of Congressman Kellie Shay Hinze during the meeting, as well as to include a response from Congressman. While some residents have suspected Brown of breaking the law based on her remarks, there is no evidence that the abuse took place.