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Encinitas City Council has approved an expenditure plan…
Encinitas will set aside $ 6.5 million to transform the old Pacific View School property into the city’s arts…
Encinitas and regional community events
Comics host Tuesday night Mark Christopher LawrenceTuesday Night Comics returns to the North Coast Repertory…
Bail man attacks Encinitas woman in her own home: SDSO
A man who officials say has a violent criminal history was arrested after he assaulted a woman at her home in…
Encinitas Commission approves Z-style crusade at El…
A proposal to put a Z-style junction on El Camino Real linking Kohl’s mall with the CVS pharmacy area is now being…
Vembra Holnagel will lead the Encinitas Coastal Rotary…
Last year, the Encinitas Coastal Rotary Club informed Vembra Holnagel member that they wanted to meet with…
Officials are searching for suspects in an armed…
Publication: June 12, 2022 / 5:30 p.m. PDTUpdated: June 12, 2022 / 5:30 PM PDTPublication: June 12, 2022 / 5:30…
Encinitas confirms the appointment of the Planning…
Encinitas City Council has confirmed its selection of Robert Prendergast to replace Bruce Ehlers on the city's…
Encinitas Affirms Planning Commission Appointment After…
Encinitas City Council reaffirmed the election of Robert Prendergast to replace Bruce Ehlers on the city council…
Encinitas approved the revised housing project after…
A slightly revised but still very controversial, multi-storey settlement proposed for the southern edge of…
Encinitas, Calif.
Encinitas is a coastal town in the U.S. state of California, north-central San Diego. The location is located at a…