Comment: The number of homeless reveals failures in Encinitas’ plan

As reported earlier this week by The Coast News, the latest data on Homelessness in San Diego County shows that the county’s homeless population has grown more than 10% in the past two years.

The data also reveal that the experience of the many areas surveyed, within the region, has varied greatly.

As shown in the accompanying table, Encinitas was a prominent outlier, up 74% compared to an average of just 14.6% among other neighboring communities. The comparison is bleak.

2020 Cities 2022% Change

Waterfront 408 514 26.0%

Total (- Enclosure) 664 761 14.6%

DC County 7,638 8,427 10.3%

Source: SD Regional Task Force on Homelessness

Another notable result was Carlsbad, which saw a 20% reduction in homelessness.

The reduction is likely to be due to policy changes in Carlsbad. During the past year Carlsbad has taken steps to reduce its temporary readiness — new ordinances have been enacted to prevent anti-social behavior, and the enforcement of local laws, by police controlled by elected officials, has also been an obstacle. .

By contrast, Encinitas’s homelessness policy is incorporated into the Homelessness Action Plan (HAP) enacted in early 2021.

Without elaborating on that plan’s analysis and ignoring its dubious origins, the city’s approach has been to support nonprofit efforts that assist the homeless population, including providing a small quantum of temporary housing.

It is not much wrong to conclude that the HAP is serving to maintain the homeless population in its current misery.

It allows the Blakespear Mayor and her City Council to check the “do something” box, but will not provide any relief from the problem.

Notably, the HAP does not significantly address either of the two main pathologies associated with homelessness: drug abuse and mental illness.

All of its recommendations for action in this regard are as follows: “The City must actively engage with the County in providing services to people with severe mental illness, substance use disorders, and other behavioral health resources , as these are provided by the County Health Department. ”(HAP, p. 21).

In the 15 months since the scheme was passed, no practical steps have been taken to pursue that recommendation, reinforcing the view that the scheme is nothing more than window dressing.

An important aspect of the homelessness problem may be its likely association with crime.

Almost a year ago The Coast News featured commentary by Encinitas resident (and now City Council candidate) Julie Thunder, in which a 2020 surge in local crime was reported.

Crime increased by 55%, compared to 1% for the wider region. The author suggested that the apparent increase in homelessness may have driven the rise in crime.

Similarly, the same question was raised by others on social media, such as Facebook and NextDoor. Indeed, the animation feature of “Encinitas Watchdog,” a Facebook page set up by local resident Jeff Morris (now candidate for Encinitas mayor), has been an ongoing exploration of the link between homelessness and crime.

Now we have more evidence of a continuing surge in crime in Encinitas. As reported here Encinitas in 2021 saw a 31% increase in crime, compared to 9% in San Diego County.

This latest piece of the puzzle seems to confirm the anecdotal evidence: homelessness in Encinitas has increased sharply.

Beyond dispute, more and more homelessness and crime are positively and contemporaryly correlated. It is true, correlation is not causality, but it is time for our common sense instincts to turn to a policy of restraint and constructive engagement.

The City of Encinitas should abandon the lip-service policy embodied in its Homelessness Action Plan.

Garvin Walsh lives in Cardiff-by-the-Sea.

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Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA Located in the state of California, the Santa Cruz-Watsonville metropolitan area has the highest rate of homelessness in the United States.

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  • Wyoming. Number of homeless people: 612. Proportion of homeless people in shelters: 79.90% …
  • South Dakota.

What state has the highest homeless population?

Another is that solutions, even those that partially address the problem, have been expensive. According to CNBC, New York City spent $ 3 billion to support its homeless population in 2019. And by current measures, New York is the province with the highest number of homeless people per capita in America.

Where do the most homeless live in USA?

The five urban areas that comprise a large city with the largest homeless populations in total in 2018 are:

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What US city has the highest homeless population per capita?

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The state of California currently has the highest homeless population, with approximately 151,278 homeless …. The 10 states with the highest number of homeless people are:

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  • Texas (25,848)
  • Washington (21,577)
  • Massachusetts (18,471)
  • Oregon (15,876)
  • Pennsylvania (13,199)
  • Georgia (10,443)
  • Ohio (10,345)

Which city in the US has the most homeless? As the most populous city in the United States, it may come as no surprise that New York City is at the top of the list of most homeless populations. HUD estimates that New York City has 78,604 homeless people living in shelters and without shelter.

What state has highest homeless rate?

SiteConditionTotal Homeless
2New York91,271

What city has the highest homeless population?

Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA Located in the state of California, the Santa Cruz-Watsonville metropolitan area has the highest rate of homelessness in the United States.

Why is the homeless population increasing?

The rise in homelessness over the last 20-25 years is largely due to two trends: a growing shortage of affordable rented housing and a simultaneous rise in poverty. Below is an overview of current poverty and housing statistics, as well as additional factors that contribute to homelessness.

Why is American homelessness increasing? The Covid pandemic caused a surge in housing costs and a rise in unemployment, leaving nearly 600,000 Americans homeless in 2020.

What is the main cause of homelessness in the world?

poverty. On a global scale, poverty is one of the most significant underlying causes of homelessness. Fixed wages, unemployment, and high housing and healthcare costs all lead to poverty. Failure to afford essentials such as housing, food, education and more greatly increases the risk of a person or family.

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the country reports that the main causes of family homelessness were: (1) lack of affordable housing, (2) unemployment, (3) poverty, and (4) low wages, respectively.